//lesson.html contains the tutorials of python


STRING is a collection or series of character.
Eg. "My name is Simran" is a string.
Strings are written inside double quotes(" ").
VARIABLE is a word which can be assigned any value, it can be a string, number, float, double.
Eg. A, simran, _bhardwaj, apples, add_of_two_numbers, goo2
* Underscore(_) is treated as character and can be used in the beginning of a variable.
* Variable name cannot start with a number.
* Variable name cannot consist of special characters like ($, #, @)
* Printing "Hello, World!!"
* Syntax in python for printing is ::
print("Hello, World!!")
* Assigning a string to a variable
=, it is called assignment operator.
* It is used to assign values to a variable.

my_name = "Simran Bhardwaj"
* Addition of two numbers
num_1 = 5
num_2 = 2
print(num_1 + num_2)

num_1 = 5
num_2 = 2
addition = num_1 + num_2
+  addition
-  subtraction
*  multiplicatioin
/  division
// int division
%  (called modulus) remainder
* Printing multiple variables in a single print()
a = 5
b = 9
c = a - b
strings = "Addition of two number is "
print(strings, c)